
January 9, 2016

Whenever I think of my favorite books, I always come up with this short list. Then I wonder, are these still my favorite books? I probably haven’t read some of these for years and who knows what I was thinking about when I read some of them. So since I consider these my favorite books, and I generally don’t re-read books (except a few), I think all of these deserve a second reading to see if they still make the cut.

  • [✓] Never Out of Season – David W. Hunter1
  • The Fountainhead – Ayn Rand
  • The Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov
  • Lexicon – Max Barry
  • The Wolf of Wall Street – Jordan Belfort

…As well as some books that I just considered good at the time.

  • [✓] Hackers and Painters – Paul Graham2
  1. I read Never Out of Season right when I was out of college and it has been the essential guiding tool in whenever I think about finances. Three years later, the book is even more meaningful since ideas have larger consequences when implemented with more money. 

  2. I don’t know what changed this time through, but I found this book to be much more though provoking than I remember. I would definitely add this one to my list of favorites. 

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Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.