Roy Orbison singing for the  lonely

September 23, 2015

I’ve been following Bruce Springsteen since I can remember and seen him on tour a couple times, which is amazing considering today he’s 66 years old. The most surprising part is I’m always discovering songs or different live versions of songs that I’ve never heard before.

Just today I heard what sounded like Thunder Road on the radio…but as I waited to hear ‘Oh oh oh oh Thunder Road!’, they never came. Everything sounded like Thunder Road, but it wasn’t quite Thunder Road. Definitely a live version, maybe the lyrics were changed during rehearsal for fun? I waited to park and pulled my phone out to Bing some lyrics. Turns out the song was called Wings for Wheels and was an early version of Thunder Road before it was recorded.

Sorry Mary, Angelina looks lonely.

Wings for Wheels - 1975 </div>
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Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.