Site Updates  (again)

April 14, 2015

I’ve made a few site updates, some of which you might notice. To begin, the site’s what I consider to be more ‘content’ focused, meaning less clutter and bringing the posts to the center of attention. Most of the updates are actually behind the scenes. Such as the migration from CSS to LESS and the updated styling that happened as I reviewed my previous work (from over a year ago) and updated it with the new knowledge that I’ve learned. There’s also new liquid templates that I’ve written to fit better and are cleaner. There’s a lot less funk in this version which I’m happy with.

For notalgia here’s some snippets of the two previous major changes.

The last update (from one year ago):


And the initial site (from two years ago):


I’ll Probably continue tweaking things for a while still, and updating a few inconsistencies I’ve noticed, but I think this is how the site’s going to change. Until next year that is.

Site Updates 2015/12/23

Here’s an image of the site before recent changes.


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Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.