Why would anyone use  Verizon?

December 21, 2015

TL;DR: Don’t use Verizon.

I seriously don’t understand this. Whenever anyone compares the big carriers (Sprint, Verizon, AT&T), most people would say that Verizon has the best service without argument. But here’s the thing they’re fucking wrong1. How can someone fool themselves into thinking they’re getting some deal with Verizon? Verizon does everything wrong. Does Verizon have the most expensive service plans? Check. Does Verizon have a carrier lock in that makes it impossible to transfer carriers with your same phone or roam globally? Check again. But you know what the real kicker is? Verizon is one of the most trusted telecommunications company, ahead of AT&T or Sprint. Apparently, Verizon customers are stupidly loyal.

What keeps them coming back every two years to renew their contract, or now-a-days every single year (and yes if you are on one of ‘edge’ or whatever they’re called plans, you are still on a contract of sorts because you’re are in debt and can’t really do anything until you pay off your phone and even if you did do that you would still have one of those stupid Verizon only phones that don’t work on any other carrier2)? The best I can come up with is they’re either A) complacent or B) don’t want to deal with the hassle of transferring carriers, and trust me it is a hassle. If you’re one of the complacent ones, well there’s nothing anyone can do for you, you’re just going to float through your complacent life with your complacent phone. But if you’re one of the ones that just don’t want to deal with the hassle, well then let me confirm that the freedom to do what you want is always worth the hassle. Sure are there some glitches that make you want to throw your phone off the roof? Yeah those will happen, but here’s the thing, once you switch carriers that’s it, everything will slide along as smoothly as it ever has but you’ll have the ability to jump your’ carriers ship (to another GSM carrier) whenever you want.

  1. I’m a little upset. I originally wrote this as Why the fuck would anyone use Verizon?

  2. In fact I would argue that this is worse than a contract because if you pay just the required monthly payment, your phone won’t be paid off for 24 months or more depending on if you trade in and upgrade mid-through. Sure you could just finish paying it off all at once, but I doubt someone who buys electronics through a payment plan, which is literally the worst investment you could make with your money (it’s right up there with just lighting your money on fire and burning it), has the cash to pay it off. 

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Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.