Processing and  parabola's

August 30, 2015

This weekend I was playing with processing after coming working through the first lesson of Pixar in a Box on Khan Academy.

There’s also this super neat javascript library that renders your processing scripts on an html canvas element called processing.js. Which makes processing not only a fun tool for your computer, but lets you make fun projects for the web as well1.

To summarize, Pixar in a Box begins with environment modeling. Rendering a blade of grass is given as an example and is described in terms of a parabola, or more specifically a parabolic arc. The first part is an intro with examples, and for those that want to venture further, can venture into the second part which explains the algebra.

I decided it’d be fun and more concrete to implement what I learned myself, so I dug up processing again and had fun making this! I’d check out khan academy if you wanted to know more, since it would be explained better there than I could explain myself.

If you want to view the demo (below), make sure you navigate to the full post page by clicking the title above (if you haven’t already).

  1. It’s much easier working with processing than any specific javascript library for rendering to a canvas. I guess that’s the pro’s and con’s of working with a domain specific language

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Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.