
September 16, 2015

Here’s some things I read this week.

The Shape of Things to Come

An article from earlier this year featuring Jony Ive and his influence over Apple’s design over the last decade culminating into the latest product, the Apple Watch.

World Without End

Another article from earlier this year from the New Yorker featuring the procedurally generated video game, No Man’s Sky.

Growing a Programmer

An interesting pragmatic look of CS coursework, focusing more on the design and architecture of complex software.

The Apple iOS 9 Review

I just like anandtech for their long reads. I’ll probably do an iOS 9 review after I download it.

Learn X in Y Minutes

I didn’t actually find this this week, but I still wanted to share it because of it’s helpful ‘learn by example’ layout.

← The Economics of Information Technology Writing →
Written and Published by Matt Sheehan
Fast learner, amateur coffee drinker, good guy, programmer.
Mostly in that order.